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send flowers to China---DIY flowers photo DIY鲜花实拍
#sendflowerstoChina# www.ourchinaflower.com/en
DIY bouquet of bird of paradise and lilies. Our local shop added some gerbera for free to make the bouquet more beauty. And another white lilies in vase. Recipient will be very happy because of the two flowers.
DIY花束,订购人选了天堂鸟,百合,配送店在做花的时候,又免费加了一些非洲菊,让花束更丰满漂亮。白色百合花瓶插花,配上紫色勿忘我,格外雅致。今天的收花人收到这两个花,肯定会非常开心吧! 虽然时空的距离让彼此无法靠近,但是鲜花会替您带去最温馨的问候!想送花到中国,我们是您的最佳选择! www.ourchinaflower.com
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