9th Aug is Chinese Valentine's day, named Qixi.In China, it is almost like 2.14 Valentine's day.
Ordering romantic flowers for the loved one in China at http://www.ourchinaflower.com/en/list.asp?larid=94&fl=223
Ordering romantic flowers for the loved one in China at http://www.ourchinaflower.com/en/list.asp?larid=94&fl=223
8月9日是中国传统佳节七夕,古时女子在这天乞巧,乞求上天让自己心灵手巧,姻缘美满,逐步演变成中国传统情人节。在国内,这是个热度几乎快追上2月14日的西方情人节了。隔着千山万水,空间的距离,还有你刚起床我才睡觉的时差,让异国恋愈加艰难。给心爱的姑娘订一束鲜花吧,让她知道现在暂时的分离是为了以后更美好的相聚,两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!七夕鲜花预定请访问网站 http://www.ourchinaflower.com/list.asp?larid=94&fl=223
Love in Qixi
Red rose bouquet, hot love to your girl.
You and me
In the love world, only you and me!
Purple roses bouquet
More qixi flowers please visit at http://www.ourchinaflower.com/en/list.asp?larid=94&fl=223
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